Tenantos is a modern solutions for dedicated server and vps management. hostware currently implements the dedicated server part of tenantos which is super useful to automate the entire dedicated server management, starting from automatic PXE installations ending at starting and stopping the dedicated via IPMI.
Category Configuration
Normally to use the tenantos module you just want to create the physical dedicated servers in tenantos and let hostware manage the rest. To do so, you need to set up a dynamic category in hostware which will automatically sync all dedicated servers as products to hostware.
Please note that only servers with the tenantos tag "hostware" will be imported. Additionally, every operating system which should be available to hostware also needs a "hostware" tag assigned in tenantos.
IPAM integration
The tenantos module uses the hostware IPAM for ip address assignment. This means that you dont have to setup your subnets in tenantos because the module will handle that for you once a dedicated server will be provisioned with that ip address.
This implementation offers all the flexibility of the hostware IPAM and maximum convenience as you dont need to login into tenantos for more than the initial server creation. Everything is automated and available in one panel.
To setup the ipam, you need to configure the IPAM settings in the category. This means assigning the pool and defining the min and max number of ip addresses which should be assigned.
hostware wont create all subnets in your hostware IPAM in tenantos at once. Instead, it only creates the subnet if it is needed by a product order and does not already exist in tenantos.
Dummy subnet
Tenantos needs an IP address to be assigned all the time. Because we have integrated the hostware IPAM, we cant do that because hostware might assign the ip to another server as soon as the previous server got terminated.
We fix this issue by creating a dummy subnet, e.g. "" which will assign a non-existing IP address to servers which dont have an owner/customer assigned.
This procedure will save unused IP addresses which can be reused by other servers or other hostings.
Price configuration
When syncing all your dedicated servers in your store, hostware needs to know both the base and the setup price. To do this, you need to write both numbers inside the dedicated server's description in tenantos using the format:
price: 55.95
setup: 20
hostware will check each line if it starts with "price:" or "setup:" (note the : at the end!)
This allows you to use the description to also write other messages.